Walkthrough | Divinity Original Sin 2 Wiki (2024)

Mastering the Source

Lady Vengeance

After defeated Bishop Alexandar, talk to Malady to board Lady Vengeance. Now the primary goal is to make this ship moving and sail to the mainland. (Main quest: Lady o' War)

The first thing you need, is the gem from Bishop Alexandar. You need to persuadeMagister Ranley, or kill her, to inspect Bishop Alexandar.

Then you need to know the password toPort-Side Stateroom Door. Find the Starboard Stateroom Door and tell the door you've forgotten your password. Ask to be reminded. Then you will learn that the password for the master cabin is "Fortitude".

Note: there is a mirror at the lower deck that allows you to redistribute your talents, attributes and change appearance.

If you have Pet Pal talent, speak to Ship Rat and it will tell you Dallis use songs to control the ship. Go to Dallis's cabin and pick up Dusty Tome. (There's a secret chamber beneath Dallis's cabin, there are some useful items and coins, guarded by 2 Hammer's Pet. You may want to enter after you recruit some companions.)

After that,talk to The Figurehead and sing it a song. Then you will have the choice to free this ship or subjugate it, either way, you can control it.

Dallis will try to board the ship with a group of magisters, buy Malady enough time to unlock quest To the Hall of Echoes. (make sure you have recruited your teammates, after the Dallis battle, those not on your team becomes unavailable.)

Explore the Hall of Echoes, talk to the gods and use Bless on them. You will be teleported back to Lady Vengeance once you have talked to your god (depends on your race). When you returned, Alexandar already vanished from the ship, you need to speak to Malady for your next move.

Reaper's Coast

At Reaper's Coast, your main goal is to find someone to teach you the use of the Source. (Main quest: Powerful Awakening). Just like Fort Joy, this region has multiple sub-areas.

Explore the beach first, you will find some voidwokens and a magister caravan. Speak to the magister survivor will acquire quest The Wrecked Caravan. You need to report to magisters at Driftwood later.

There's dying shark at the beach, it escapes the sea in fear of some kind of monsters. You can kill it as it wishes, and took the human limb, it's for another quest Hide and Seek.

Near the edge of a bridge, you find a little boy crying for help, agree to help his mother gives you They Shall Not Pass. You need to reach the other side through paladin's hold and Stonegarden, and lockpick the door blocked the way. (You can do this quest later)

Approach the Driftwood there is a chicken house, if you have Pet Pal talent, you can talk to them and acquire Counting Your Chickensquest. Go to the marked location, kill the voidlings and retrieve the egg, return it to chickens and you will be rewarded.

Before you explore other parts of Reaper's Coast, you may want to rescue Siva first (seePowerful Awakeningfor details). She's hanging just outside the Driftwood, persuade the magisters to leave or force them. Sive will take you to her home and taught you a very useful skill Spirit Vision. (This skill is necessary to complete many other quests in Reaper's Coast region. Strongly suggest you learn it first before you move forward. Otherwise, you will waste a lot of time searching for information or running from one place to another. Also, please keep the ritual items.)

At Driftwood, right next to the waypoint, there is a beggar with a sick dog. If you have Pet Pal talent, you can pet the dog and heal him, then you can let him know it's his master that hurts him. Once the dog runs away, you can find him in the graveyard (A Man and His Dog).

In Driftwood, there are many small side-quests, click the link for more details:

  • Grebb the Scholar(Help Grebb by eating void-tainted fish at fishery)
  • (Help two kids find their friend by eating thehuman limb from the dying shark as an Elf.)
  • Red Ink in the Ledger(Investigate the attack, leads to two competing trolls in Business Rivals)
  • A Web of Desire(Kiss the spiderwoman at undertavern)
  • Drowning her Sorrows(Help the captain on the second floor of tavern, require Spirit Vision)
  • The Snoozing Adventurer(Acquired from the adventurer at the second floor of tavern)
  • Strange Cargo(Help the man in fish barrel to escape)
  • Love Has a Price(Ask for exotic service at tavern, rubbed by bandits)
  • The Driftwood Arena(Undertavern Arena challenge)

These quests give you additional XP, coins, equipment or new talents. Also, Strange Cargoquest will give you the information of a master sourcerer.

Driftwood is dominated by two competing faction, the magisters and the dwarves. Magisters will give you quest The Missing Magisters and The Law of the Order. While dwarves give you Shadow over Driftwood. (You can choose to accept both quests, they lead you to the same place Wrecker's Cave)

(Note: while you doing the Shadow over Driftwoodquest, you may find there is lich locked under Mordus' house, see A Taste of Freedom for how to solve the puzzle.)

Travel to Wrecker's Cave, you can find a side-quest The Burning Propheton your way. (just lit all torches to finish it.)

Near the prophet's statue, down the beach, there is an ancient lamp, which gives you Wishful Thinking.

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Inside the Wrecker's Cave, you will find a survivor, but there appears to be no way to explore further. However, when you investigate the end of the cave, four Storm Wing Void woken will appear and attack you. You and your team members will be taken to the depth of the cave, separated.

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(Note, you may find the battles in Wrecker's Cave too hard. In that case, try to enter the cave through the entrance near the waypoint, it will lead you right to the Mordus. If you have teleporter pyramid with you, you can use it to regroup. )

One of your team member ( the main character) will be locked in a place without the enemy, explore the surroundings, you will find some letters regarding quest Shadow over Driftwood and The Law of the Order. If you talked to the dwarf in front of the strange device, you can also advance personal questIfan ben-Mezd. The door to other areas are locked, you can lockpick the door or find a key on the ground behind the south end of the ship.

Another companion starts in a bedroom. The private chamber key is in his/her area. However, this character needsto defeat several possessed dwarves and voidlings to get the key. (If youwant to leave this area now, try to find the hidden hole that will transport you to the entrance of the cave. Shovel or lizard needed to dig the hole)

Note: Cast Spirit Vision and you will see many ghosts in this area, talk to them to learn what happenedhere.

The third party member is trapped in a cave full of voidlings, unless that character is incredibly good in combat. Use your other characters to save him/her. (Through a cave in the same area you find the key)

After you gathered all the companions, you can proceed to next area. (through a ladder in a shipwreck)

You will find Mordus in this area, he will attack you with his possessed henchmen. Buf once you strike him down, the battle is over.

If you loot Mordus' Amulet from his body, you can use it to open a hatch in his chamber. Beneath the hatch, you can find the gem to unlock the dungeon under Mordus' house.(A Taste of Freedom)

Report to Driftwood to finishShadow over Driftwood. (orThe Law of the Order)

There's some other side-quest in Reaper's Coast Bluff that may interest you. The Aggressive Takeoverrequires you to talk toGarven in Driftwood Tavern, and agreed to investigate the attack location. (Marked on your map)

The attack location is right next to the bridge between Reaper's Coast Bluff and Cloister Wood, follow the blood trails, you will find a shallow grave. Loot the supplies there, then cast Spirit Vision.

You will see the ghost of Garven's partner, he accuses it's Garven, not Voidwokens, killed him, you can agree to avenge him or not.

At the bridge near Wrecker's Cave-Reaper's Cove waypoint, a giant trollGorg wants you to kill another Troll Marg.(Marg is at the bridge between Cloister Wood and Driftwood - Fileds) You can help one gid rid of another. (quest Business Rivals) But be very careful, Gorg the Troll is a formidable enemy that can single strike some of your weaker characters. Before you fight the trolls, make sure you are prepared, and the game saved.

At the Cloisterwood (on the north of Reaper's Coast Bluff), you can find Eithne around X:168 Y:223 (Eithne the Trader). She asks you to finda particular tome - a volume that teaches the reader how to make corpses explode. (skillbook combined by a pyro and a necro skillbook)

In the ruins near Cloisterwood Waypoint, a powerful sourcerer named Hannag is fighting some magisters. You can help the magisters in Window of Opportunity, or help the sourcerer. If you helped Hannag, she willgive you another task On the Ropes(requires you to investigate Blackpit area), in exchange, she will teach you more about the source. (One way to learn the source for Powerful Awakening)

On the east of the ruins, you will find the demon hunter's house. Speak to him advance Lohse's personal quest, and give you the quest A Hunter of Wicked Things.

North to the ruin, there's Alice's Corpse hovering around a burning land. Do not try to attack it unprepared, it has many powerful AOE skills and can be healed by fire. Save your game before you make an attempt.

At the west corner of Cloisterwood (Around X:115 Y:269) there is a Lamenting Abomination. When you approach it will summon wolves and attacks you. Kill it then kneel before the altar will acquire the quest The Three Altars.

Another alter is at X:414 Y:301, on the river.The third altar is at X:482 Y:260.

The Driftwood fields have quest The Ugly Little Birdand Treated Like Cattle. Both require Pet Pal talent. The first quest requires you to talk to a sick-looking chicken at a farm. If you have scholar tag and Pet Pal talent (like Sebille), you can convince it that it's actually a phoenix, all that needed to transform it into a real phoenix is to burn it alive.

When it agrees, cast some fire spells on it, and it actually turns into a phoenix egg, you can decide to keep it or eat it.

At a farm north to Driftwood, you came across a pair of cows that were, in fact, two people who were polymorphed and enslaved by a witch. They want to be turned back into their human form. (Treated Like Cattle)

The witcher's house is right to the east of cows, the key to get in is on the ground to the side of the house. In its dungeon, there's full of exploding rats, attack holes on walls to stop them from respawning. There is a lever that can open the door, or you can use teleportation.

There's only one potion at the dungeon. (Witch's book is on the giant frog at the dungeon, Witch's eye, one of the ingredients, is in the house.)

Having both the Scholar and Mystic tags will allow you to decipher the recipe book dropped by Zppt to craft the Witch's Potion.

An elven structure of sorts can be found east to the Driftwood-field Waypoint, across the river - four statues, surrounding a brazier. (around X; 447 Y:340)

Speak to the brazier as an elf will unlock quest A Trial for All Seasons. You need to attack four statues with different skills to complete it.:

Hero of Winter - Spell, Winter Blast or Hail Strike
Hero of Autumn -Static Cloud (use the arrow or use a fire spell on a pool of water then shock the cloud with a lightning spell)
Hero of Summer - Spell, Laser Ray
Hero of Spring - Spell, Raining Blood

Four challengers will appear once you attacked all the statues, defeat them to complete the challenge.

Near the 4 elven statues, on the east, there's an elven encampment. Join them and show your respect will complete the quest Burial Rites , speak to the elves and ask you to save Saheila in The Elven Seer. (if you did not kill Saheila in Fort Joy)

Saheila isprisoned in the sawmill on the north, guarded by lone wolves. If you have Ifan ben-Mezd on your team, you can enter the sawmill peacefully. (You can trade with these lone wolves, they have some decent equipment and a large amount of coins. You can sell them your unused equipment, and get them back later when they turned hostile.)

Many quests can be done here in the sawmill, likeSebille's andIfan ben-Mezd's personal quest. You need to go to the second floor of the main building and killed Roost. He's guarded by two of his men and a real wolf. After killing the Roost, all other lone wolves will turn hostile. (if not already)

Escort Saheilato the elf camp to complete the quest, asa reward, Saheila will teach you how to master the source (increase source point you can storeby one)

If Sebile is on your team, Saheila will reveal her true identity, and give her a choice to be the heart of scions.

Cast Spirit Vision in the sawmill, and you will see a lot of spirits in this area. Some of them will give you side quests:

  • The Bark's Bite
  • The Stoic Spirit
  • Old Flames
  • Press-ganged
  • A Prize Kill
  • An Eye for an Eye
  • Bitter Tonic
  • No Laughing Matter
  • Finder's Fee

On the east of the sawmill, there's Red Princess's camp. Let Red Princes mate with her will advance his personal quest. Some lizards will ambush you afterward, but after you defeat them the Red Princess is disappeared.

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When you travel to the northeast corner of Reaper's Coast, the sky suddenly turns dark and all your characters get Decaying effect. (healing turn into 100% damage) At a damaged bastion you will find the Harbinger of Doom along with some undead. kill the Harbinger and the land will turn normal. (see quest Almira's Request for details)

Other quests in Paradise Down:

  • Unlikely Lovers

(Note, rifts separated this places into many small areas, you can use teleportation skill to reach different areas for loot. Or cast the Spirit Vision to find out what's happened. However, be careful when you teleport to an area constantly strike by meteors, some undead will show up and ambush you.)

At the northeast of the Stonegarden, there's a Healer's House. Persuade him you can help will unlock the quest A Danger to Herself and Others. (Help the infected sourcerer at his cellar or kill her)

Gareth can be found in front of a house in Paradise Downs, he wants you to kill some silent monks for revenge. (quest Burying the Past) You can do as he asked, or you can talk him out of this idea.


Stonegarden is another story-rich location in Reaper's Coast, however, to complete the quest here, you will need to learn Spirit Vision first.

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There is a black dog named Andras wandering this place. He is a powerful necromancer and can summon undead trolls, if you have Pet Pal talent, you can fight him and win some rewards. He guards the tomb entrance for his master Qanna. She has the Shadow Tomb Key needed for All in the Family quest. She mentions Anathema. In order to kill her to get information and the Key you need to cast Bless on her

If you Cast Spirit Vision here, you will see a lot of ghosts. Some of them can give you useful information and items, some will give you quests.

If you persuade theFeatherfall (on top of a tower), you can acquire skill Summon Condor. (or use Spirit Vision, speak to the spirit first then talk to Featherfall)

Interact with that rotten flower in frontof the elf ancestor tree will teleportyou to a small underground area. There's a tough fight and many loots await.

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Near the waypoint, there is a tomb with two rotatable statues, you need to find the missing angelic head first. (west to waypoint, in front of another tomb, on the ground) Repair the statue, then rotate both statues toward outside to open it.

Quests in Stonegarden:

  • Speaking in Forked Tongues(learn the language by talk to salamander at Ryker's mansion, or eat thelizard limb at Ryker's basem*nt.)
  • All in the Family(help tarquin acquire some artifacts)
  • Stranger in a Strange Land(help burn the lizard's remains)
  • An Existential Crisis(books found at Ryker's mansion)
  • Heroes' Rest(defeat the undeads and loot the treasures.)
  • The Reluctant Servants(kill Ryker)
  • The Weaver(giant spider in Ryker's mansion)
  • A Hunger From Beyond(Shoes can be found on the shady digger of Stonegarden x592, y96)

In Stonegarden, you can find a lizard chest in between two fire-breathing statues. Let a lizard speak to it, and you will learn it requires a password to open. (transformed into a lizard does not help) The password can be learned from the salamander at Ryker's mansion, but it has to be a lizard character, with Pet Pal talent.

At the gate of Stonegarden, Tarquin asks you to investigate a family crypt and retrieve something for him.

You will need to lockpick the door to enter this tomb or get the key from Qanna. In the first room, there are two buttons on the wall, you need to get close to find them. Press these the buttons to open the stone gate.

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Let one of your most tenacious companions get into the third room and step on the pressure plate. Then cast SpiritVision (Learned in Powerful Awakening), you will see three levers on the wall of the second room. Press the levers (middle-left-right) toreveal a secret hatch.

There's a treasury under that hatch, use your character with highest lucky charm to loot them. The artifact is in the coffin, if your character is a lizard, he/she will recognize the language it says.

When you try to leave the tomb, all clay sentinels will revive and attack you.

Cast Spirit Vision at the Stonegarden waypoint, and you can see a Lizard ghost nearby. He asks you to dig his remains and burn it in eternal fire.

Place the remains of that Lizard on lizard part of the cemetery. (Where two dragon head statues breath fire)

The ghost of lizard will appear and thank you for your help.

At Stonegarden, you heard a voice calling for help. (where you overlook the Blackpits X:625 Y:153)

Agreed to dig him up, and that skeleton claimed to be a philosopher, and challenges you to a witsduel. If you agreed, he will have three questions, if you cant outsmart him your character will be killed instantly. (You need to read The Essence of Existence, Volume One two and three in Ryker's Mansion to defeat him. Some tags may also help.)

South to the Stonegarden Waypoint, there's four heroes' coffin, examine them you will learn the locations of their valuables. But if you examine all four of them, these heroes will rise as undead and attack you.

At Stonegardenyou will find gravekeeperFarimah wondering around, she implored you to kill Ryker.

In Ryker's Mansion, he asks youto retrieve something for him, in exchange he will teach you the way of the source. (quest A Generous Offer and The Midnight Oil) Cast Spirit Vision here and you can learn more about Ryker. (if you find the contract in sawmill, you will learn that Ryker is a lone wolf, tasked to kill Godwokens)

If your character is a lizard Scholar and has Pet Pal talent, speak to the salamander in Mansion will learn the password to the chest on fire.

In the cellar of the Mansion, you can lure the rat to turtle with foods. (Opposites Attract)


Travel to the Blackpit, at the southeast of Reaper's Coast, this place is filled with voidwokens and magisters.

The apprentice' house is at the entrance of Blackpit,a group of magisters took some villagers, and are ready to execute them. (You can fight the magisters or leave them be. This is part of quest On the Ropes)

Thereare magisters guarding a gate blocking you from further exploration. If Reimond gives you the authority to assist the magisters, you can pass here without violence. Otherwise, you will have to fight your way through.

Inside the gate, you will see a white magister interrogating a sourcerer (apprentice of Hannag, required for quest On the Ropes ), kill the magister now may cause you lose a thread, and a large wave of oil voidwokens and fire voidwokensgonna appear and attack you.

Approach the harbor, the magisters there forbid you to move forward. You can try to sneak in, but two shriekers blocked your path. Use Source Vampirism to destroy them.

Note: If you keep the purging wand you acquired from Fort Joy, you can use it now to kill shrieker. If not, you need to master source and complete the ritual in Powerful Awakening to learn the Source Vampirism skill.

Reimond and some other magisters are in the harbor, interrogating black ring members. Once they found you, you will have no choice but fight them. (Reimond will try to escape if he is on low health)

After the magisters been defeated, loot the place, and read the notes and letters to learn what happened here. (Or you can use Spirit Vision and talk to the spirits, or let an elf eat the corpse.)

On the other side of harbor, quarter mistress Anna is guarding the Blackpit mine. Defeat her to get into that mine. (nearby is one hiding place for Hero's Rest)

That mine is filled with traps and oil pipes, you can use cratesto block the oil pipe and disarm the pipes. Or you can use Teleportation or Spread Your Wings to get through. (If you have teleporter pyramid, you can let one of your teammatesget through first, then teleport the rest tohim/her)

Deep inside, there's shrieker guarding the waypoint. Use Source Vampirism skill to destroy it. (there is a corpse on a broken bridge nearby, if you teleport there you can pick a note and a key)

Moving forward, you will see some Voidwokensfighting magisters at the excavation site. Defeat the Voidwokens, then you can persuade the magisters (if there is any of them left) you are just passing by, or you will have to kill the magisters as well. From one of the magister's body, you will find a key to a room nearby. Inside the room there is a hidden stone door, you need to get really close to discover it. Behind the stone door, there is a strange device that teachesyou how to create a shapeshifter mask. (require one source point)

Leave the excavation site, venturing forth to the workshop, a group of magisters is here. You need to defeat them and destroy the crumbling gate (use fire skills on the oil barrels) to open the path to Ancient Temple. Interact with the device in Ancient Temple to acquire more information.

In the heart of Ancient Temple, there is a puzzle, there are seven shrines of seven gods, you need to activate them in the correct order.

The riddles are:

"Our first lordbabes with power glowed, our second's born in blood that flowed. Our third's young to the wind returned, our fourth's to glowing flames adjourn. Our fifth lord's cubs with minds were blessed, our sixth's had brawn beyond the rest. Our seventh's brood spread from earth to glen, and thus no king shall rise again."

The key to the puzzle is within a book on a corpse within the Ancient Temple chamber. It will say on the second page that each god is a representation of an element or power:

Tir Cendelius-Blood
Zorl Stissa-Fire

The correct order is:Amadia, Tir, Duna, Zorl, Xantessa, Vrogir, and finally Rhalic.

After you hit all the pillars in the correct order, anEternal will appear, and have an interesting conversation with your god. You need to defeat theEternal and her stalkers. Loot the place and leave.

After you return to the Paladin Checkpoint, you will find they were ambushed by voidwokens. Assist the paladins so you can collect your rewards.

The Bloodmoon Island

Before you travel to the Bloodmoon Island, you may want to learn the source at some other places first so you can continue the ritual of Powerful Awakeningand learn the Source Vampirism skill. It's necessary for many of the quests on the island.

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(Blackroot required to complete the ritual can be found here.)

Ask the undead boatman on north of the Cloisterwood to the Bloodmoon Island. Your first goal is to talk with The Advocate. That demon asks you to kill the Black Rings on the island so they can tend to their own business. (Note that The Advocate is the target of Hunter of Wicked ThingsandLohse's personal quests. But to maximize your gain, you can kill him later.)

Explore the island, but don't approach the ancestor tree now. On the east side of the island, you will find an unfinished Vault. A nearby black ring carries silver bar, kill him to get it.

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There's another Vault on the northeast, dig up the hatch. Inside you will find archivist's journal, read it to learn the name of the ancestor tree. (the other half of the artifact ofAll in the Familycan be found here.)

On the west side of the island, if you cast Spirit Vision you can see multiple spirits. One of them will give you the questThe Druid. (In a ruined house with some demonic enemies)

On the north of the island, use the ancient forge to create two Silver Shaft Levers using the silver bar. (there is a silver bar right next to it.)

Now you can attack the Black rings near the ancestor tree. Kill them andThe Advocateis complete. You can also kill the Advocate now forHunter of Wicked Things.

Cast Spirit Vision and speak to the Tree Spirit, use its name to strengthen it, and you will learn the name of the demon who possessed Lohse, and give you the questDoctor's Orders.

From one of the Black Ring member near the ancestor tree, you can find the book called The Taming of Holy Fire. (this book is called Ornate Hymnal before you decipher it, you need someone with Scholar tag to read it)

There is a "Kidnapped women" near The Advocate, persuade or kill her to get a map of the island with everything marked, the Archives, the Ancient Forge, the Tree Vaults and The Ancient Tree.

Use the Hymn to unlock the statues of remaining three vaults. You need to use Spirit Vision to see the guardians, persuade them or use Source Vampirism to get rid of them. The Silver Shaft lever can be used to repair the switch. For details, seeBound by Pain,The Silent OneandDelusions of Grandeur.

After you settled the things on Reaper's Coast, back to Lady Vengeance and sailed to Nameless Isle. (Before you proceed, make sure you have three source points, complete Tarquin's quest All in the Family, and get the schematic for Swornbreaker)

Walkthrough | Divinity Original Sin 2 Wiki (2024)
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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

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Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.