Pet Mod - Generation X - The Next Chapter (Region 4: Brunica) [Slate 7: Forestry + Tundra] (2024)

Unifying Theme: Each of the starter's final evolutions is based off a famous hero in American Folklore, and bear a gemstone made from residue Type Balm energy somewhere in their bodies. Their Type Balm exclusive moves are named after the largest cities in each of the Three Territories of Canada.

Name: Chori (Chop + Horridus)
Counterparts: Fohot/Jaylor
Evolution Method: Level 17
Typing: Pet Mod - Generation X - The Next Chapter (Region 4: Brunica) [Slate 7: Forestry + Tundra] (1)
Abilities: Overgrow | Screen Cleaner
Base Stats: 60 / 70 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 55 (305)
Weight: 15.2 lbs.
Notable Moves: Pound, Tail Whip, Vine Whip, Leech Seed, Entrainment, Fake Out, Bite, Crunch, Grassy Glide, Leaf Blade, Poison Powder, Lunge, Coil, Slash, Glare, Dragon Tail, Megahorn, Drain Fang, Grass Knot, Swords Dance, Zen Headbutt, Thief, Grassy Terrain, Bush Claws, Solar Beam, Sunny Day, Rain Dance, Bulk Up, Take Down, Hidden Power, Protect, Frustration, Return, Double Team, Facade, Rest, Attract, Natural Gift, Sleep Talk, Snore, Substitute
Flavor: A tiny Timber Rattlesnake Pokémon with a wooden axe on it's forehead. It likes to chop down trees and use them to decorate it's own den, keeping it camouflaged from intruders. It's scales are decorated with black and green in alernation.

Name: Crotaxe (Crotalus + Axe)
Counterparts: Sausquatch/Cyanoge
Evolution Method: Level 36
Typing: Pet Mod - Generation X - The Next Chapter (Region 4: Brunica) [Slate 7: Forestry + Tundra] (2)Pet Mod - Generation X - The Next Chapter (Region 4: Brunica) [Slate 7: Forestry + Tundra] (3)
Abilities: Overgrow | Screen Cleaner
Base Stats: 65 / 90 / 65 / 65 / 60 / 65 (410)
Weight: 143.3 lbs.
Notable Moves: Pound, Tail Whip, Vine Whip, Leech Seed, Entrainment, Fake Out, Bite, Crunch, Grassy Glide, Leaf Blade, Night Slash, Poison Powder, Lunge, Coil, Slash, Glare, Dragon Tail, Megahorn, Drain Fang, Grass Knot, Swords Dance, Zen Headbutt, Thief, Grassy Terrain, Bush Claws, Solar Beam, Sunny Day, Rain Dance, Bulk Up, Brick Break, Upper Hand, Mach Punch, Reversal, Counter, Focus Blast, Rock Slide, Stone Edge, Iron Head, Rock Tomb, Take Down, Hidden Power, Protect, Frustration, Return, Double Team, Facade, Rest, Attract, Natural Gift, Sleep Talk, Snore, Substitute, Grass Pledge
Flavor: Upon evolving, Crotaxe's axe covers almost the entirety of it's head, and it gains a sharpening stone on the tip of it's tail. A green gemstone also appears on the tip of it's stomach. It checks every tree with it's sharpening stone, chopping down the ones that will be a burden to the forest that it lives in. One strike from Crotaxe's axe is enough to chop apart solid diamond in a single strike.

Name: Yansylvania (Paul Bunyan + Pennsylvania)
Counterparts: Abovykett/Coromino
Typing: Pet Mod - Generation X - The Next Chapter (Region 4: Brunica) [Slate 7: Forestry + Tundra] (4)Pet Mod - Generation X - The Next Chapter (Region 4: Brunica) [Slate 7: Forestry + Tundra] (5)
Abilities: Overgrow | Screen Cleaner
Base Stats: 85 / 115 / 75 / 80 / 95 / 75 (525)
Weight: 226.2 lbs.
Notable Moves: Pound, Tail Whip, Vine Whip, Leech Seed, Entrainment, Fake Out, Bite, Crunch, Grassy Glide, Leaf Blade, Poison Powder, Night Slash, Comeuppance, Lunge, Dragon Claw, Coil, Slash, Glare, Dragon Tail, Megahorn, Drain Fang, Grass Knot, Swords Dance, Zen Headbutt, Thief, Grassy Terrain, Bush Claws, Solar Beam, Sunny Day, Rain Dance, Bulk Up, Wood Hammer, Stone Axe, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Earthquake, Take Down, Hidden Power, Protect, Frustration, Return, Double Team, Facade, Rest, Attract, Natural Gift, Sleep Talk, Snore, Substitute, Grass Pledge, Frenzy Plant
Flavor: Upon fully evolving, Yansylvania ditches the axe head in favor of a chainsaw that covers most of it's head, decorated by two blood red eyes and a set of sharp teeth, additionally gaining two chainsaw arms with bright green gems on them and a lumberjack's cap to form the shoulder armor. The tip of it's tale has become a large green gemstone that's the shape of a cutting chain. An utterly insane Pokémon, it will chop down every tree it sees on the pettiest reasons, turning the areas around them into a lush grassland thanks to the enchanted woodchips it creates with it's chainsaw.

Name: Honey Razor
Type: Pet Mod - Generation X - The Next Chapter (Region 4: Brunica) [Slate 7: Forestry + Tundra] (6)
Effect: If the target is not holding an item, this move's power increases by 50%.
Flags: Slicing
Distribution: Type Balm exclusive move: Requires Dark Balm

Name: Fohot (Foot + Hot)
Counterparts: Chori/Jaylor
Evolution Method: Level 17
Typing: Pet Mod - Generation X - The Next Chapter (Region 4: Brunica) [Slate 7: Forestry + Tundra] (7)
Abilities: Blaze | Regenerator
Base Stats: 55 / 60 / 50 / 50 / 60 / 35 (310)
Weight: 82.7 lbs.
Notable Moves: Tackle, Growl, Mist, Ember, Fire Spin, Roar, Follow Me, Fire Punch, Flame Charge, Haze, Blaze Kick, Belly Drum, Thunder Punch, Play Rough, Thief, Misty Terrain, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Solar Beam, Sunny Day, Bulk Up, Take Down, Hidden Power, Protect, Frustration, Return, Double Team, Facade, Rest, Attract, Natural Gift, Sleep Talk, Snore, Substitute, Fire Pledge, Future Sight
Flavor: This tiny brown Bigfoot Pokémon has big feet that are always on fire, along with two blunt fangs. It has not yet mastered it's powers over fire yet, and you'll often see it run around screaming, trying to put it's burning feet out.

Name: Sausquatch (Sauna + Sasquatch)
Counterparts: Crotaxe/Cyanoge
Evolution Method: Level 36
Typing: Pet Mod - Generation X - The Next Chapter (Region 4: Brunica) [Slate 7: Forestry + Tundra] (8)Pet Mod - Generation X - The Next Chapter (Region 4: Brunica) [Slate 7: Forestry + Tundra] (9)
Abilities: Blaze | Regenerator
Base Stats: 80 / 70 / 65 / 70 / 65 / 55 (405)
Weight: 155.4 lbs.
Notable Moves: Tackle, Growl, Mist, Ember, Fire Spin, Roar, Follow Me, Fire Punch, Flame Charge, Haze, Blaze Kick, Belly Drum, Thunder Punch, Play Rough, Thief, Misty Terrain, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Solar Beam, Sunny Day, Bulk Up, Icicle Crash, Aurora Veil, Scald, Rock Tomb, Snowscape, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Ice Punch, Take Down, Hidden Power, Protect, Frustration, Return, Double Team, Facade, Rest, Attract, Natural Gift, Sleep Talk, Fire Pledge, Future Sight
Flavor: Sausquatch managed to control it's fire power by learning the power of ice as well. It's feet are now made of steam, and two red gemstone fists, infused with both fire and ice, complete the design with it's shaggy hair that covers it's eyes. It's said that any hot spring that Sausquatch visits will be warm for the rest of it's lifetime.

Name: Abovykett (Abominable + Davy Crockett)
Counterparts: Yansylvania/Coromino
Typing: Pet Mod - Generation X - The Next Chapter (Region 4: Brunica) [Slate 7: Forestry + Tundra] (10)Pet Mod - Generation X - The Next Chapter (Region 4: Brunica) [Slate 7: Forestry + Tundra] (11)
Abilities: Blaze | Regenerator
Base Stats: 125 / 105 / 70 / 95 / 75 / 50 (520)
Weight: 696.7 lbs.
Notable Moves: Tackle, Growl, Mist, Ember, Fire Spin, Roar, Follow Me, Fire Punch, Flame Charge, Haze, Blaze Kick, Belly Drum, Thunder Punch, Play Rough, Thief, Misty Terrain, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Solar Beam, Sunny Day, Bulk Up, Icicle Crash, Aurora Veil, Scald, Rock Tomb, Snowscape, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Ice Punch, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Earthquake, Zen Headbutt, Future Sight, Take Down, Hidden Power, Protect, Frustration, Return, Double Team, Facade, Rest, Attract, Natural Gift, Sleep Talk, Snore, Substitute, Fire Pledge, Blast Burn
Flavor: Abovykett is shaped like a giant Gorilla, with it's signature steam feet now extending to both it's arms and it's eyes, which is no longer covered by it's shaggy hear which stretches down the back of the body. On it's chest is a jacuzzi with red gemstones decorating it, which Aboyvkett can use to blast it's opponents with fists that burn so much, they will remain on you for the rest of your life. The jacuzzi's pipes are attached to it's arms, and they pump over 50 million gallons of steam per second to fuel it's instincts. It's said that as long as it's in a town, that town will never be cold again.

Name: Stallion Express
Type: Pet Mod - Generation X - The Next Chapter (Region 4: Brunica) [Slate 7: Forestry + Tundra] (12)
Effect: Sets up Mist.
Flags: Punch
Distribution: Type Balm exclusive move: Requires Psychic Balm

Name: Jaylor (Jay + Sailor)
Counterparts: Chori/Fohot
Evolution Method: Level 17
Typing: Pet Mod - Generation X - The Next Chapter (Region 4: Brunica) [Slate 7: Forestry + Tundra] (13)
Abilities: Torrent | Quick Draw
Base Stats: 35 / 70 / 40 / 45 / 50 / 65 (BST)
Weight: 20.9 lbs.
Notable Moves: Pound, Growl, Peck, Water Gun, Aqua Ring, Life Dew, Focus Energy, Wing Attack, Aqua Jet, Mirror Move, U-Turn, Hurricane, Mist, After You, Air Slash, Defog, Dual Wingbeat, Freeze-Dry, Hurricane, Hydro Pump, Icy Wind, Water Pulse, Knock Off, Tailwind, Trick, Pain Split, Surf, Waterfall, Fly, Retaliate, Brave Bird, Acrobatics, Scald, Steel Wing, Aerial Ace, Snowscape, Rain Dance, Ice Beam, Taunt, Take Down, Hidden Power, Protect, Frustration, Return, Double Team, Facade, Rest, Attract, Natural Gift, Sleep Talk, Snore, Substitute, Water Pledge
Flavor: This Pokémon is basically a stylized Blue Jay wearing a Sailor cap. It loves to ride boats and go on long voyages, remembering every bit of sea life that it ever sees.

Name: Cyanoge (Cyanocitta + Voyage)
Counterparts: Crotaxe/Sausquatch
Evolution Method: Level 36
Typing: Pet Mod - Generation X - The Next Chapter (Region 4: Brunica) [Slate 7: Forestry + Tundra] (14)Pet Mod - Generation X - The Next Chapter (Region 4: Brunica) [Slate 7: Forestry + Tundra] (15)
Abilities: Torrent | Quick Draw
Base Stats: 55 / 90 / 60 / 65 / 60 / 75 (405)
Weight: 61.7 lbs.
Notable Moves: Pound, Growl, Peck, Water Gun, Aqua Ring, Life Dew, Focus Energy, Wing Attack, Aqua Jet, Mirror Move, U-Turn, Hurricane, Mist, After You, Air Slash, Defog, Dual Wingbeat, Freeze-Dry, Hurricane, Hydro Pump, Icy Wind, Water Pulse, Knock Off, Tailwind, Trick, Pain Split, Surf, Waterfall, Fly, Retaliate, Brave Bird, Acrobatics, Scald, Steel Wing, Aerial Ace, Snowscape, Rain Dance, Ice Beam, Taunt, Agility, Endure, Drill Peck, Take Down, Hidden Power, Protect, Frustration, Return, Double Team, Facade, Rest, Attract, Natural Gift, Sleep Talk, Snore, Substitute, Water Pledge
Flavor: Upon evolving, Cyanoge becomes upright and it's wings become a pair of arms, with a blue scarf and a navy hat completing it's looks. It's bright blue belly is now decorated with traces of blue gemstones and a white stripe that makes it resemble a naval officer's jacket. It can now build boats by itself by shaping them out of nothing but pure water itself.

Name: Coromino (Corvidae + Geromino)
Counterparts: Abovykett/Yansylvania
Typing: Pet Mod - Generation X - The Next Chapter (Region 4: Brunica) [Slate 7: Forestry + Tundra] (16)Pet Mod - Generation X - The Next Chapter (Region 4: Brunica) [Slate 7: Forestry + Tundra] (17)
Abilities: Torrent | Quick Draw
Base Stats: 65 / 110 / 75 / 80 / 82 / 115 (527)
Weight: 106.7 lbs.
Notable Moves: Pound, Growl, Peck, Water Gun, Aqua Ring, Life Dew, Focus Energy, Wing Attack, Aqua Jet, Mirror Move, U-Turn, Hurricane, Mist, After You, Air Slash, Defog, Dual Wingbeat, Freeze-Dry, Hurricane, Hydro Pump, Icy Wind, Water Pulse, Knock Off, Tailwind, Trick, Pain Split, Surf, Waterfall, Fly, Retaliate, Brick Break, Focus Blast, Brave Bird, Acrobatics, Scald, Steel Wing, Aerial Ace, Snowscape, Rain Dance, Ice Beam, Taunt, Agility, Endure, Drill Peck, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Take Down, Hidden Power, Protect, Frustration, Return, Double Team, Facade, Rest, Attract, Natural Gift, Sleep Talk, Snore, Substitute, Water Pledge, Hydro Cannon
Flavor: Coromino undergoes a drastic change when it fully evolves, turning itself into a stylized pirate ship with it's four blue wings for oars, with two additional ones forming the mast, blue gemstones for the cannons, and a large beak for the brow. It flies across the atmosphere, looking for adventure at every turn. It's said that every time it passes over a city, they too are filled with adventure.

Name: I, Fish Dawn
Type: Pet Mod - Generation X - The Next Chapter (Region 4: Brunica) [Slate 7: Forestry + Tundra] (18)
Effect: Switches the target out for a random Pokémon: Identical effect to Dragon Tail.
Priority: -2
Flags: Wind
Distribution: Type Balm exclusive move: Requires Fighting Balm

Pet Mod - Generation X - The Next Chapter (Region 4: Brunica) [Slate 7: Forestry + Tundra] (2024)
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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.